🎵 Completed Reminders

  • When the timer has reached the end of it’s duration, it will alert you.

    However, sometimes, this alert may be missed if you are too focused or almost done with your task. The Completed Reminders will alert you periodically every 1 minute* to remind you that the timer has completed. You can enable Completed Reminders for both Focus and Rest timers.

    Please note that Completed Reminders are NOT the same as the Timer Completed alerts.

    *You can customize this in Settings.

  • When the timer is completed, the Completed Reminders will show periodically. Before you stop the completed reminders or start the next timer, you may want to save the extra time.


    • You start a 30 minute Focus timer for a task.
    • After 30 minutes, the completed reminders will start alerting.
    • Since you are almost done with your tasks, you decide to continue focusing.
    • You finally finish your task after 3 minutes and start the Rest timer.
    • This extra 3 minutes (the “extra time”) will be saved and the total session time is 30 + 3 = 33 minutes.

    If you do not want to save this “extra time”, please go to Timer alerts > Focus timer alerts > Enable reminder.

  • For Completed Reminders to be enabled, please go to Timer alerts > Focus timer alerts > Enable reminder.

    Please note that Completed Reminders will only be shown if your timer transition mode is set to Automatic.

  • To disable Completed Reminders, please go to Timer alerts > Focus timer alerts > Enable reminder.